Electronic circuit that selects one of its several input signals and forwards it into a single output line.
Broadcasting term; grouping of program services that are sub-grouped as interleaved data packets.
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1Mux, however, was her consolation; he seemed so confiding and so friendly.
2Come and work on the embroidery I have started for you, Mux.
3Tell him not to come for a long while, Mux implored her.
4Mux was bending over his picture book, hatching out new ideas, no doubt.
5She began a song with her bright, full voice and Mux listened admiringly.
6She asked Mux to choose a song, but he knew none.
7Mux, however, was possessed by a much stubborner spirit than this interesting mischief-devil.
8Her brother Mux was standing expectantly in the open doorway.
9Here Mux approached him and said his verse faultlessly in a loud, clear voice.
10Mux alone was unhappy in these days, for he had lost his beloved companion.
11This familial patterning was equivalent in both the paternal and maternal lines of muxes.
12But Mux had forgotten that breakfast came first of all.
13After supper Mux fled back to Cornelli with his book.
14The same day, later on, while Dino was resting, Cornelli was sitting with Mux.
15I am sure, Mux, that your other sister never cries.
16You can't even wait, you love them so, Mux asserted.